Wednesday, 19 June 2013

UP Online Certificate Verification Status Form

State of uttar pradesh now mostly applied computerization in mostly all departments. Now you can easily get any information from your mobile or computer without going to concerning department. For example if you want verify your Domicile certificate or cast certificated issued by tehsil level of District level officer of village level.

Following Certificate issued by Each Tehsil of Uttar pradesh
Income certificate / Aay Praman Patra
Niwas Praman patra / Domicile Certificate ,
OBC Certificate / Pichadi jati praman patra
SC Certificate / Schedule Caste certificate / Anusuchit Jati praman patra
ST certificated / Schedule Tribe certificate / Anusuchit Jan Jati praman Patra
Vimukta jati Praman Patra

After computerization government now using 12 digit certificate verification no for those certificate which is issued from session 2013. Till 2012 year, 11 digit was used for verification of the certification .

Previous coding of 11 Digit Certificated code was as are follows
1st two digit for concerning District from 01 to 75
1 digit for concerning Tehsil from 1 to 9
2 digit of issuing year
1 digit for Income certificate, Domicile certificate, OBC , SC, ST certificate
5 Digit for certificate no from 00001 to 99999

New  Coding of Certificate no will be as are follow
1st two digits for concerning District from 01 to 75
1 digit for concerning Tehsil from 1 to 9
2 digit of issuing year (for certificate 2013 or later on use 13 or its successive )
1 digit for type of certificate ( 1 Income certificate, 2 Domicile certificate, 3 OBC , 4 SC, 5 ST certificate, 6 vimukti Jaati
5 Digit for certificate no from 00001 to 99999
6 digit of certificate serial no from 000001 to 999999

You can check your certificated status online at the official website of board of Revenue Uttar pradesh. Official website of Bor UP nic in is

online Certification verification praman Patra satyapan

official GO Government Order

lists of district and Tehsil of Uttar pradesh With Code

we will publish more posts here about how to  apply for jaati, nivas praman patra, application form format etc


Anonymous said...

Up caste certification Application form format, online Verification ,certificate , Domicile certificate,

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