ANM exam is the English name of Mahila Swasthya karyakarta prashikshan chayan pariksha. Madhya pradesh Vyavsayik pariksha Mandal now going to conducts a written examination for the recruitment of ANM Training selection 2013. According to official notification of ANM test 2013, Exam date of ANM set by vyapam is 7 July 2013 Sunday. This exam will be held on state level on 7 July 2013. Written exam will be start from 10 am and will be conducted 12 : 15 Noon. Total 2 hour will give for question paper solving.
MP vyapam will organize written exam for ANM Training on behalf of directorate of health service government of Madhya pradesh Bhopal.
Selection for ANM health worker will be based on the written examination. One basis of written examination a merit list will be prepared for the recruitment. Counselling and other later on process will be completed on www.mponline
Question paper Pattern Syllabus: there are no minimum qualifying marks or cutoff marks for ANM exam. There will be only one question paper for ANM Test. Question paper will carry 100 marks. Questions of 50 marks will be asked from general knowledge of 12th stander intermediate level and questions of 50 marks will be asked from general science of high school level. There are no minus marking in this examination.
This merit list will be published online at official website of MP online.
There are total 1610 seats of anm in state of Madhya pradesh. 805 seat are unreserved , 26 seats for sc, 322 seat for st and 222 for OBC candidates.
Official departmental website for counselling related information will be available on :
After completing training each anm are require to qualify PTS preliminary training of students examination
ANM admit card | call Letter | TAC test admit card
ANM written exam admit card will be available at following website no admit card will be dispatch via posts so candidates are advised to download admit card online.
MP vyapam will organize written exam for ANM Training on behalf of directorate of health service government of Madhya pradesh Bhopal.
Selection for ANM health worker will be based on the written examination. One basis of written examination a merit list will be prepared for the recruitment. Counselling and other later on process will be completed on www.mponline
Question paper Pattern Syllabus: there are no minimum qualifying marks or cutoff marks for ANM exam. There will be only one question paper for ANM Test. Question paper will carry 100 marks. Questions of 50 marks will be asked from general knowledge of 12th stander intermediate level and questions of 50 marks will be asked from general science of high school level. There are no minus marking in this examination.
This merit list will be published online at official website of MP online.
There are total 1610 seats of anm in state of Madhya pradesh. 805 seat are unreserved , 26 seats for sc, 322 seat for st and 222 for OBC candidates.
Official departmental website for counselling related information will be available on :
After completing training each anm are require to qualify PTS preliminary training of students examination
ANM admit card | call Letter | TAC test admit card
ANM written exam admit card will be available at following website no admit card will be dispatch via posts so candidates are advised to download admit card online.
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