CBSE NEET Exam Questions Paper Set W 5 may 2013
163. Which of the following cannot be detected in a developing foetus by amniocentesis?
(1) Klinefelter syndrome
(2) Sex of the foetus
(3) Down syndrome
(4) Jaundice
164. Artificial insemination means:
(1) transfer of sperms of a healthy donor to a test tube containing ova
(2) transfer of sperms of husband to a test tube containing ova
(3) artificial introduction of sperms of a healthy donor into the vagina
(4) introduction of sperms of a healthy donor directly into the ovary
165. Which Mendelian idea is depicted by a cross in which the F2 generation resembles both the parents?
(1) incomplete dominance
(2) law of dominance
(3) inheritance of one gene
(4) co – dominance
166. The incorrect statement with regard to Haemophilia is:
(1) It is a sex - linked disease
(2) It is a recessive disease
(3) It is a dominant disease
(4) A single protein involved in the clotting of blood is affected
167. If both parents are carriers for thalessemia, which is an autosomal recessive disorder, what are the chances of pregnancy resulting in an affected child?
(1) no chance
(2) 50%
(3) 25%
(4) 100%
170. According to Darwin, the organic evolution is due to:
(1) Intraspecific competition.
(2) Interspecific competition.
(3) Competition within closely related species.
(4) Reduced feeding efficiency inane species due to the presence of interfering species.
171. The eye of octopus and ee of cat show different patterns of structure, yet they perform similar function. This is an example of:
(1) Homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution.
(2) Homologous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution.
(3) Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution.
(4) Analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution.
172. Infection of Ascaris usually occurs by:
(1) drinking water containing eggs of Ascaris.
(2) eating imperfectly cooked pork.
(3) Tse-tsefly.
(4) mosquito bite.
173. The cell - mediated immunity inside the human body is carreid out by:
(1) T-1rnphocytes
(2) B lymphocytes
(3) Thrombocytes
(4) Erythrocytes
174. In plant breeding programmes, the entire collection (of plants/seeds) having all the diverse alleles for all genes in a given crop is called:
(1) selecf ion of superior recombinants.
(2) cross - hybridisation among the selected parents.
(3) evaluation and selection of parents.
(4) germplasm colLection.
175, During sewage treatment, hiogases are produced which include:
(1) methane, hydrogensulphide, carbon dioxide
(2) methane, oxygen, hydrogensuiphide
(3) hydrogensulphide, methane, sulphur dioxide
(4) hydrogensuiphide, nitrogen, methane
176. A biologist stud led the population of rats in a barn. He found that the average natalitv was 250, average mortality 240. Immigration 20 and emigration 30. The net increase of population is:
(1) 10
(2) 15
(3) 05
รง4) zero
178. A sedentary sea anemone gets attached to the shell lining of hermit crab. The association is;
(1) Ectoparasitism
(2) Symbiosis
(3) Cornmensalism
(4) Amensalisni
179. Global warming can be controlled by:
(1) Reducing deforestation, cutting down use of fossil fuel.
(2) Reducing ref orestatiozt increasing the use of fossil fuel.
(3) Increasing deforestation, slowing down the growth of human population.
(4) Increasing deforestation, reducing efficiency of energy usage.
180. The Air Prevention and Control of Pollution Act came into force in;
(1) 1975
(2) 1981
(3) 1985
(4) 1990
Note more questions paper of other set W , Set y, Set X , Se Z will be available here,,, shortly
CBSE NEET Exam 5 may 2013 Question Paper Physics chemistry Biology
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