Saturday, 20 April 2013

Admit Card CISF Constable Exam 2013 Call Letter Download

Central industrial force now going to conduct a common written examination for the recruitment of constable and driver post in CISF 2013. last date of application form submission has been passed on 9 April 2013. for CISF constable and driver exam only male Indian citizen was eligible. CISF will hold a common written exam for the recruitment of 1654 posts.
Selection procedure: first of CISF will check the eligibility of the candidates for constable post that they will publish Admit card / call letter for the further exams. 

Eligibility Test  : first of all an eligibility test will be conducted for checking the applicant Age,EQ, height, chest, DL, DE etc. all those candidates who will declared in this phase will call for PET Test (physical efficiency Test).

Physical Efficiency Test
(i) Run 800 Meters to be completed in 3 minutes and 15 Seconds.
(ii) Long Jump 11 feet (Candidate will be given 3 chances)
(iii) High Jump 3 feet 6 inches (Candidate will be given 3 chances)

Written Exam and trade Exam
After that those candidates who will declared qualified in PET exam they will call for written exam. CISF will inform you official about the exact exam date of each phase via admit card / call letter. Admit card for written exam will be dispatched shortly . you can check more details about call letter from the official website of CISF which is

Question paper Pattern for Written Exam / Syllabus for CISF will be as are follows
Written Test         max marks 20 passing marks 10
Driving test for light vehicle     max marks 50 passing marks 25
Driving test for heavy vehicle     max marks 50 passing marks 25
Practical knowledge of motor mechanism and ability to carry out minor repair of vehicles. max marks 30  passing marks 15

Download admit card


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