Saturday, 9 February 2013

SSC Skill Test Typing Test for data entry operator and LDC clerk CHSL 10+2

We have latest news for all qualified candidates of ssc combined higher secondary level examination 2015. Recently staff selection commission advertised the date of skill test and typing test for data entry operator (DEO) and lower division clerk post. According to that notification qualified candidates of 10+2 chsl exam are advised to participate in Skill test / typing test. Date of Chsl skill test /typing test of data entry operator now available. Test will be started from   February 2016 and will be close on   march 2016. Computer test for 10+2 exam will be conducted SIET Allahabad ( Shambhunath Institute of Engineering and Technology jhalwa) for central region candidates.

All candidates who have been declared qualified in written exam are advised to check the all the details mentioned on the admit card / call letter for skill test / typing test. If you found any error on admit card then just inform during the computer test to invigilator. According to that news, commission this time also giving option to candidates chooses the medium of typing test. If you want to change typing test medium then just give application letter with complete description to commission office before the  February 2016.
You can download your admit card for skill Test/ typing Test for DEO and LDC post from official ssc website and

Direct Download Link 

How to download Skill test Admit card of combined higher secondary level: just enter your roll no at you concerning regional website of ssc after that you can download call letter after entering your roll no

Data Entry operator Skill test details:
A printed mater will be given during DEO skill test. You will get 15 minuets for typing this matter on computer software. That given passage in English will containing approximately 2000 to 2200 strokes / key depression.   DEO skill test will be just for qualifying purpose. But you have to require qualify this exam. Desirable typing speed is not less then 8000 key depressions per hour.

Lower division clerk typing test (LDC) ; 35 word per minuet for English passage and 30 word per minuet for Hindi matter will be require. Total 10 minutes  for skill test will be will be given . 


Unknown said...

when will the result of typing skill test of data operator be published?

Anonymous said...

when wil d result of ldc skill test 2013 get available?rply pls.

Unknown said...

when wil d result of ldc skill test 2013 get available?rply pls.

Anonymous said...

Pls issue th skill test result of Deo / Ldc 2013. Still it is not issued.

anshu maurya said...

when the result of LDC written exam held on 27 Oct 2013 will come. Pls reply.

Anonymous said...

send us specific software for making practice for Data Entry Operator?

Unknown said...

A written mother are going to be given throughout DEMO ability check. you may get fifteen minuets for data entry typewriting this matter on PC package.

Unknown said...

when the result of CHSL 2013 will come.

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