Friday, 1 February 2013

Interview call letter for ssc Sub Inspector Executive in Delhi Police 2015

All qualified candidate of Delhi police sub inspector exam conducted by ssc just download their admit card for interview test and medical examination. SSC will mentioned you bout the interview center and interview date. If you have declared as qualified in written examination of Delhi police SI executive then just download your admit card and participate in interview. For download you admit card visit your concerning regional ssc website.
download Interview  call letter of Central region candidate now available at

Candidate of NR, WR, MPR, ER, NER, SR, KKR, NWR, CR can check their receptive website

What is medical stander test for Sub Inspector Executive?
Medical stander test will be conducted for those candidates who have qualified all steps like PST/ written exam etc.  All candidates who are qualified in physical efficiency test will examined by Delhi police medical officer. Those candidates who will found medically fit in medical exam and qualified in the written exam conducted by SSC will require to predicate personal interview.

After qualifying interview test, candidates will be appointed for the post of Delhi police executive.
Training of recommended candidates will be done under the inspection of Delhi police if you will be fail in Delhi police training you will be not hold on to in Delhi police.
According to SSC Delhi police Si executive notification following medical stander will be adopted
Medical Stander: eye sight: 6/12 (Minimum) for both eyes / no color blindness. An applicant are required to No have Knock knee, fate foot, varicose vein or squint in eyes
This exam will be qualifying nature.

Interview cum personality:
Delhi police SI executive interview will carry total 100 marks. Interview will be conducted for the checking the overall personality of the candidates for the police service. Basic motto of personality and interview test will check the physiologically a appropriate candidate for the post of sub inspector. Because Post of sub inspector are so important as per as concern of various aspects so overall personality requirement for SI post will be examined in PI. We have already posted how to crack to Personal interview we will try to post here interview question here on upcoming article.
All the best for you interview Test 
download Interview  call letter of Central region candidate now available at 


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