Latest general Awareness question related to Science Matters for upcoming SSC exam, Upsc and civil service exam With answer
General Awareness Question for SSC Exam with answers
Q: which one of the following is a compound?
A Air B HG (Mercury) C ozone D Ammonia
Answer: B
Q: in which of the substance in which oxygen is not found
AA Cement B Silica C Petrol D led
Answer: B
Q: which of the following substance are found in three states Solid, Liquid and Gas
A water B h2O2 C Nh3 D SO2
Answer: water
Q: which of the following substance is neither element no compound?
A Air B water C mercury D Sodium Chloride
Answer: B
Q: what is positron?
A positive charge electron B helium C nuclear of one proton and one neutron D none of these
Answer: A
Q: chemical behavior of any molecule depend on
A Proton no of nucleus
B Neutron no of nucleus
C Electron no moving around nucleus
D nucleon no of nucleus
Answer: C
Q: neutron is invented by :
A Chadwick B rather ford C Bhor D Newton
Answer: B
Q what is gamma rays ?
A Charge particle coming from the universe
B discharged particle coming from universe
C generated by radio active substance
D general by radio active substance and have no no energy
Answer : C
Q : PH level of blood of healthy Hume being will be
A 4.5-4.5 B 6.45 – 6.55 C 7.35- 7.45 D 8.25 – 8.35
Answer: B
Q : energy of Ideal Gas depend on
A Pressure B Volume C Temperature D no mole
Answer : D
Q : maximum energy generated by 1 grm fuel of the followings
A Hydrogen B mythen C Ethanol D Butane
Answer A
Q : producer Gas is the mixture of
A CO +n2 B CO2+ N2 C CO+h2+N2 D CO2+H2
Answer : A
Q chemical substance found in our teeth and bones are
A calcium phosphate B calcium chloride C calcium Sulphate D Calcium Boret
Answer : A
Q chemical name of plaster of perish
A calcium sulphet b calcium carbonate C calcium Hydrate D Calcium sulphet hemi hydrate
Answer : D
Q : which of the following is the best conducted of electricity
A AG B iron C Aluminum D Copper
Answer: A
Keep on checking wwwSscExamNews.Com for more model paper, sample question paper for CGL , JE and constable exam of SSC 2015
General Awareness Question for SSC Exam with answers
Q: which one of the following is a compound?
A Air B HG (Mercury) C ozone D Ammonia
Answer: B
Q: in which of the substance in which oxygen is not found
AA Cement B Silica C Petrol D led
Answer: B
Q: which of the following substance are found in three states Solid, Liquid and Gas
A water B h2O2 C Nh3 D SO2
Answer: water
Q: which of the following substance is neither element no compound?
A Air B water C mercury D Sodium Chloride
Answer: B
Q: what is positron?
A positive charge electron B helium C nuclear of one proton and one neutron D none of these
Answer: A
Q: chemical behavior of any molecule depend on
A Proton no of nucleus
B Neutron no of nucleus
C Electron no moving around nucleus
D nucleon no of nucleus
Answer: C
Q: neutron is invented by :
A Chadwick B rather ford C Bhor D Newton
Answer: B
Q what is gamma rays ?
A Charge particle coming from the universe
B discharged particle coming from universe
C generated by radio active substance
D general by radio active substance and have no no energy
Answer : C
Q : PH level of blood of healthy Hume being will be
A 4.5-4.5 B 6.45 – 6.55 C 7.35- 7.45 D 8.25 – 8.35
Answer: B
Q : energy of Ideal Gas depend on
A Pressure B Volume C Temperature D no mole
Answer : D
Q : maximum energy generated by 1 grm fuel of the followings
A Hydrogen B mythen C Ethanol D Butane
Answer A
Q : producer Gas is the mixture of
A CO +n2 B CO2+ N2 C CO+h2+N2 D CO2+H2
Answer : A
Q chemical substance found in our teeth and bones are
A calcium phosphate B calcium chloride C calcium Sulphate D Calcium Boret
Answer : A
Q chemical name of plaster of perish
A calcium sulphet b calcium carbonate C calcium Hydrate D Calcium sulphet hemi hydrate
Answer : D
Q : which of the following is the best conducted of electricity
A AG B iron C Aluminum D Copper
Answer: A
Keep on checking wwwSscExamNews.Com for more model paper, sample question paper for CGL , JE and constable exam of SSC 2015
few ans are wrong.
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