Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Exam Question paper for FCI Tier 2 Main exam 7 April 2013

Staff selection commission now declared the new exam date of fci tier II exam 2013. New date of paper 2 and paper II is 7 April 2013. So mostly candidates are happy that they get one month extra for the preparation of ssc food corporation assistant grade 3 mains exam. In paper 2, 50 questions will be related from Quantitative Methods of 100 marks and English Language & Comprehension 100 question 100 marks. Today we will discuses on some important chapter as per as concern of Tier II Fci exam. We already uploaded other ssc exam question paper you can use them for better preparation

Important math question with answer as are follow
Q ram purchase some thing at the rate of P per dozen and sell it at the rate of rs P/8 . What is the profit %?
A 30 %             B 40%             C 50%             D 60 %

Q :  A man purchase a horse and a car at the rate of 20000 rs. He sell horse with 20.5 profit and loss of car selling is 10%.  Aggregately after whole selling he gets only 2% profit. What is the purchase price of horse?
A 7200 B 7500 C 8000            D 9000
Ans : C

Q: after decreasing 10% price rate of rice, a seller can purchase 25 kg extra rice at price of 22500. What is the purchase value per kg of rice?
A 70    B 80     C 90    D 100
Ans : D
Q : ram sell their car to shyam with 15% profit,  shyam sell this car 10%  loss to geeta, and geeta paid 514.50 for this card then find out how many money spent by ram for purchase this car :
A 500              B 750               C 1000                        D 1250
Ans : A

Q: if ram purchase their home at the 2/3 price of pre fixed price then 10% loss happen, then find out profit after selling the pre fixed price of home?
A 20 %            B 33 1/3%       C 35%             D 40%
Ans : C

Q : ratio of a hotel purchase price and sell price is 20:21 then find the of profit %
A 5.5%            B 25%             C 22.5%          D none of these
Answer: C

Q after selling a book at the rate of 720 book seller get 20 % loss, then find out the that selling price for which 25% profile will happen ?
A 1200                        b 1000             C 960              D 900
Ans: A

Above given question are asked in previous year exam conducted by ssc. We shorted this important question related to profit and lost section from previous year question papers. Mostly 3-4 questions every year asked on this chapter.
Some of the important formula for profit and loss related question as are follows

Profit = sell price – purchase price
Loss = purchase price – sell prince
Profit % = profit *100 / purchase price
Loss % = loss 100/ purchase price

Mostly question are asked in ssc exam on related to find out the percent of loss and profit. You can solve them after apply above formula. We will discusses on other chapter according to syllabus of tier 2 exam here.


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